#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html \n\n"; use Time::Local; use Time::localtime; ######################################### # There are modules: # # sub ip_to_num # # sub ip_to_num # # sub tm_to_td # # sub dt_to_tm # ######################################### ######################################################################### sub ip_to_num # { # ######################################### # # IP-address to a number conversion # # ######################################### # my @Lm; # my ($s)=@_; # @Lm=split/\./,$s; # if($#Lm < 3) {return -1;} # else { return ((((($Lm[0]<<8)+$Lm[1])<<8)+$Lm[2])<<8)+$Lm[3]; # } # } ######### ######################################################################### # A number to IP-address conversion # ######################################################################### sub num_to_ip ######### { # my $n=@_[0]; # my $ip=$n>>24; # the first number # $ip=$ip.".".($n>>16)%256; # the second number # $ip=$ip.".".($n>>8)%256; # the third number # $ip=$ip.".".$n%256; # return($ip); # } ######### ######################################################################### # Time-mark to Date and Time conversion # ######################################################################### sub tm_to_td ######### { # use Time::localtime; # my @mon=("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); my $tk=@_[0]; # $tm=localtime($tk); # $seconds=$tm->sec; # $mins=$tm->min; # $hour=$tm->hour; # $year=$tm->year+1900; # $month=$tm->mon; # $month=$mon[$month]; # $day=$tm->mday; # $dt=$day."/".$month."/".$year.":".$hour.":".$mins.":".$seconds; # return($dt); # } # ######################################################################### ######################################################## # Date-Time conversion to TM (TM=time-mark) # # additional output - mins from the day beginning # ######################################################## sub dt_to_tm ######### { # use Time::Local; # my $i; # my @mon=("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); my $date_time=@_[0]; # my @MMM=split(/\:/,$date_time); # if($#MMM==3){ # date terms number control # my $date=$MMM[0]; # my @NNN=split(/\//,$date); # if(!(defined$NNN[0])) {$NNN[0]=1;} # my $mday=$NNN[0]; # if(!(defined$NNN[1])) {$NNN[1]=1;} # my $month=$NNN[1]; # for($i=0;$i<12;$i++){if($month eq $mon[$i]){$month=$i;}} # if(!(defined$NNN[2])) {$NNN[2]=2;} # my $year=$NNN[2]; # $year=$year-1900; # if(!(defined$MMM[1])) {$MMM[1]=1;} # my $hours=$MMM[1]; # if(!(defined$MMM[2])) {$MMM[2]=1;} # my $minutes=$MMM[2]; # if(!(defined$MMM[3])) {$MMM[3]=1;} # my $seconds=$MMM[3]; # my $cur_TIME=timelocal($seconds,$minutes,$hours,$mday,$month,$year); return ($cur_TIME); # } # } #########