gigya._.apiAdapters.web.callback({ "threadCount": 1, "comments": [ { "ID": "e9d1a886760746f5ba73827d97fd59b4", "streamId": "2605320", "threadID": "", "commentText": "High expectations for something as small as a watch.  Why would you ever expect to have a keyboard with a watch?

All of the things listed here will take up space and make the watch larger and more bulky. 

I can't image trying to take a photo with something that is stuck to the back of my wrist the camera would need to be on the top edge facing forward so that you could see the screen and the lens could see the subject all of this would had bulk. No thank you.

I have no idea how small you can make working WI-FI and GPS but I suspect we are still a long ways from shrinking that down to fit within the watch, both would be energy wasters of what little battery the watch has. 

Universal compatibility, Samsung didn't try to do that with their watch, I don't expect to see it from any other manufacturer, One thing we do know about apple is they keep their systems tightly interconnected to reduce the number of variables and produce the best user experience.  sometimes they are very successful other times not so much. 

For many people this will be  cool gadget to wear around, for me adding a 350;00 wrist bauble to my already expensive phone is not worth it. I am sure Apple will still sell millions of these things. each person must determine value for themselves. 

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