gigya._.apiAdapters.web.callback({ "threadCount": 2, "comments": [ { "ID": "a5f5e897865447b88966a17917ada190", "streamId": "2835567", "threadID": "", "isModerator": false, "commentText": "The apples A8X 64 bit chip?
Sounds like Sega has his big brother
America we love it I hope it comes with a port joy stick hands up.but if it don't have the joy stick for sale hands down .I luv to be a toys \" r \"us kid. 
", "posVotes": 0, "TotalVotes": 0, "sender": { "photoURL": "", "profileURL": "", "name": "Mr. Hermist Fernandez", "loginProvider": "GooglePlus", "isSelf": false }, "flagCount": 0, "timestamp": 1413611156385, "threadTimestamp": 1413611156385, "status": "published", "highlightGroups": [] }, { "ID": "b4db3592be794fc69346cd88476cb08d", "streamId": "2835567", "threadID": "", "isModerator": false, "commentText": "Apple hinted that the SoC for the watch was home grown, and it does make sense. Apple has the technology for low power chips. They acquired Anobit for that, and it's been working out very well. Apple's tight o tegration of the OS and the  adware is responsible for the efficiency and partly, the performance. Going outside for this wouldn't make sense. They will sure,y, at the least sell several million watches in the first year. That's a higher volume for a chip than many of the chips Intel, and others make.", "posVotes": 0, "TotalVotes": 0, "descendantsCount": 1, "sender": { "photoURL": "", "profileURL": "", "name": "Mel Gross", "loginProvider": "Facebook", "isSelf": false }, "flagCount": 0, "timestamp": 1413609830901, "threadTimestamp": 1413672646282, "replies": [ { "ID": "51c7c38e5e43494f9c015d862d6431da", "streamId": "2835567", "parentID": "b4db3592be794fc69346cd88476cb08d", "threadID": "b4db3592be794fc69346cd88476cb08d", "isModerator": false, "commentText": "I still am puzzled as to why got rid of Disqus.  I emailed them and received no response.  The new comment system still gets spam and parts of the conversation sometimes as in your case above are partially blurred out.  It is most annoying.", "posVotes": 0, "TotalVotes": 0, "sender": { "photoURL": "", "profileURL": "", "name": "Alex", "loginProvider": "Yahoo", "isSelf": false }, "flagCount": 0, "timestamp": 1413672646282, "threadTimestamp": 0, "status": "published", "highlightGroups": [] } ], "status": "published", "highlightGroups": [] } ], "commentCount": 3, "next": "ts_1413609830901", "nextTS": 1413609830901, "hasMore": false, "statusCode": 200, "errorCode": 0, "statusReason": "OK", "callId": "060669ff18334cc3bbe34511b6234a54", "context": "R1131509277" });