if (typeof (com_hp_gc) == "undefined") com_hp_gc = {}; hpgcDebug = function(text) { //DEBUG log(text); return; }; //DEBUG function log(message) { //DEBUG var win, logLine; //DEBUG if (!log.window_ || log.window_.closed) { //DEBUG win = window.open("", null, "width=400,height=200," + //DEBUG "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no," + //DEBUG "location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no"); //DEBUG if (!win) return; //DEBUG try { win.document.write("Debug Log" + //DEBUG ""); //DEBUG win.document.close(); //DEBUG log.window_ = win; } catch (exc) {log.window_ = null;}; //DEBUG } //DEBUG if (log.window_ && typeof(log.window_.document.createElement) !== "undefined") { //DEBUG logLine = log.window_.document.createElement("div"); //DEBUG logLine.appendChild(log.window_.document.createTextNode(message)); //DEBUG log.window_.document.body.appendChild(logLine); //DEBUG } //DEBUG } var hpgcStdTimeout = 25000; // Does JSONP call with provided options: // url: URL to JSONP method, ending in ? which is replaced by generated callback function // onSuccess: callback function on success // onTimeout: callback function on timeout // timeout: time in ms to wait for script to execute /* _b.Ajax.prototype.makeRequest = function (url, meth, onComp, onErr) JSONP(url, onErr, onComp, 5000); */ var uniq = (new Date).getTime(); // For generating unique IDs for jsonp calls var jsonp = new Array; // Array to hold active jsonp calls var JSONP = function(url, onTimeout, onSuccess, timeout) { var id = 'jsonp' + uniq++; // Generate unique id for this call jsonp[id] = { hasRun: false }; // Keep track of script run status // Define callback function for JSONP call window[id] = function(tmp) { if (jsonp[id]) { jsonp[id].data = tmp; jsonp[id].hasRun = true; } // cleanup window[id] = undefined; try { delete window[id]; } catch (e) { } } // Stick generated callback function on end of provided method URL url = url.replace(/=(\?|%3F)/g, "=" + id); // Attach script URL to head var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (head === null) { hpgcDebug("no head"); return; } var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; head.appendChild(script); // Register callbacks and timeout interval value //var onTimeout = options.onTimeout; //var onSuccess = options.onSuccess; //var timeout = options.timeout; // Poll for script completion on timeout interval var i = 0; jsonp[id].poll = setInterval(function() { // "success" if (jsonp[id].hasRun == true) { clearInterval(jsonp[id].poll); var data = jsonp[id].data; // cleanup try { head.removeChild(script); } catch (e) { hpgcDebug('unable to remove child ' + e); } jsonp[id] = undefined; try { delete jsonp[id]; } catch (e) { } if (onSuccess) //onSuccess(jsonp[id].data); onSuccess(data); hpgcDebug("loaded"); } else { i += 13; // "timeout" if (i > timeout) { clearInterval(jsonp[id].poll); if (onTimeout) onTimeout(i); // cleanup hpgcDebug("not loaded"); try { head.removeChild(script); } catch (e) { hpgcDebug('unable to remove child ' + e); } jsonp[id] = undefined; try { delete jsonp[id]; } catch (e) { } } } }, 13) }; /** * author: Timothy Groves - http://www.brandspankingnew.net * version: 1.2 - 2006-11-17 * 1.3 - 2006-12-04 * 2.0 - 2007-02-07 * 2.1.1 - 2007-04-13 * 2.1.2 - 2007-07-07 * 2.1.3 - 2007-07-19 * Changes to accomodate HPGC needs *NEW */ if (typeof(bsn) == "undefined") _b = bsn = {}; // AJAX PROTOTYPE _____________________________________________ if (typeof(_b.Ajax) == "undefined") _b.Ajax = {}; _b.Ajax = function () { this.req = {}; this.isIE = false; }; _b.Ajax.prototype.makeRequest = function(url, meth, onComp, onErr, callBack) { if (callBack == undefined) { url = url + "&jsonp=?"; } else { url = url + "&" + callBack + "=?"; } JSONP(url, onErr, onComp, hpgcStdTimeout); }; // DOM PROTOTYPE _____________________________________________ if (typeof(_b.DOM) == "undefined") _b.DOM = {}; /* create element */ _b.DOM.cE = function ( type, attr, cont, html ) { var ne = document.createElement( type ); if (!ne) return 0; for (var a in attr) ne[a] = attr[a]; if (cont != null) { var t = typeof(cont); if (t == "string" && !html) ne.appendChild( document.createTextNode(cont) ); else if (t == "string" && html) ne.innerHTML = cont; else if (t == "object") ne.appendChild( cont ); } return ne; }; /* get element */ _b.DOM.gE = function ( e ) { var t=typeof(e); if (t == "undefined") return 0; else if (t == "string") { var re = document.getElementById( e ); if (!re) return 0; else if (typeof(re.appendChild) != "undefined" ) return re; else return 0; } else if (typeof(e.appendChild) != "undefined") return e; else return 0; }; /* remove element */ _b.DOM.remE = function ( ele ) { var e = this.gE(ele); if (!e) return 0; else if (e.parentNode.removeChild(e)) return true; else return 0; }; /* get position */ _b.DOM.getPos = function ( e ) { var e = this.gE(e); var obj = e; var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) curleft += obj.x; var obj = e; var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return {x:curleft, y:curtop}; }; com_hp_gc.cookies = { get: function(cookieName) { var cookieNameStart,valueStart,valueEnd,value; cookieNameStart = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName+'='); if (cookieNameStart < 0) {return null;} valueStart = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName+'=') + cookieName.length + 1; valueEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";",valueStart); if (valueEnd == -1){valueEnd = document.cookie.length;} value = document.cookie.substring(valueStart,valueEnd ); value = unescape(value); if (value == "") {return null;} return value; }, set: function(cookieName,value,hoursToLive,path,domain,secure) { var expireString,timerObj,expireAt,pathString,domainString,secureString,setCookieString; if (!hoursToLive || typeof hoursToLive != 'number' || parseInt(hoursToLive)=='NaN'){ expireString = ""; } else { timerObj = new Date(); timerObj.setTime(timerObj.getTime()+(parseInt(hoursToLive)*60*60*1000)); expireAt = timerObj.toGMTString(); expireString = "; expires="+expireAt; } pathString = "; path="; (!path || path=="") ? pathString += "/" : pathString += path; domainString = "; domain="; (!domain || domain=="") ? domainString += window.location.hostname : domainString += domain; (secure === true) ? secureString = "; secure" : secureString = ""; value = escape(value); setCookieString = cookieName+"="+value+expireString+pathString+domainString; document.cookie = setCookieString; }, del: function(cookieName,path,domain){ (!path || !path.length) ? path="" : path=path; (!domain || !domain.length) ? domain="" : domain=domain; com_hp_gc.cookies.set(cookieName,"",-8760,path,domain); }, test: function(){ com_hp_gc.cookies.set('cT','acc'); var runTest = com_hp_gc.cookies.get('cT'); if (runTest == 'acc'){ com_hp_gc.cookies.del('cT'); testStatus = true; }else{testStatus = false;} return testStatus; } }; com_hp_gc.getQueryVariable = function(variable) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i', '>').replace('\'', ''').replace('"', '"'); }; com_hp_gc.addListener = function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { var ret = null; if (elm.addEventListener) { ret = elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); } else { if (elm.attachEvent) { ret = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); } else { elm['on' + evType] = fn; } } return ret; }; if (typeof(com_hp_gc.Poll) == "undefined") com_hp_gc.Poll = {}; com_hp_gc.Poll = function (contextKey, elID, submitName, pollID, showBar) { this.cK = contextKey; this.eI = _b.DOM.gE(elID); this.pC = 'hpgc_poll_div'; this.sN = submitName; this.pI = pollID; this.pE = null;//poll element this.rV = null;//return value this.pH = null;//poll header this.aC = 0;//sum of submitted answers this.mS = 0;//maximum selection this.rB = new Array();//radio buttons if (showBar == null) this.sB = true; else this.sB = !showBar; this.ajax = new _b.Ajax(); if (!this.cK || !this.ajax || !this.eI || !this.sN) return 0; }; com_hp_gc.Poll.prototype.getPollQuestion = function() { var cK2 = encodeURIComponent("\"" + this.cK + "\""); var pI2 = ''; if (this.pI) pI2 = encodeURIComponent("\"" + this.pI + "\""); var url = "http://h41273.www4.hp.com/hpgc/poll/Poll.asmx/GetPollQuestion?contextKey=" + cK2 + "&pollID=" + pI2; var pointer = this; var onSuccessFunc = function (req) { pointer.createPollArea(req) }; var onErrorFunc = function (status) { hpgcDebug("AJAX error: "+status); }; this.ajax.makeRequest( url, 'GET', onSuccessFunc, onErrorFunc); }; com_hp_gc.Poll.prototype.pollSubmit = function ( formEl ) { //for (var i=0; i
banded header

This is your question


This is your answer text

*/ com_hp_gc.Poll.prototype.createAnswerArea = function ( req ) { var jsondata = req;//el(req.responseText); var el = _b.DOM.cE('div', {className:'hpgc_poll_header'}, this.pH, true); var poll_div = _b.DOM.cE('div', {className:this.pC}, el); el = _b.DOM.cE('p', {className:'hpgc_poll_question'}, this.rV.question, true); poll_div.appendChild(el); var table = document.createElement('tbody'); var sum = this.aC + 1; for (var i=0;i this.mS) this.mS = jsondata.results[i].selection_count; } var submitter = _b.DOM.cE('button', { className:'hpgc_poll_submit', className:'hpgc_poll_submit' }, this.sN, true); var pointer = this; submitter.onclick = function () { pointer.pollSubmit(form); return false; }; form.appendChild(submitter); var newEl = _b.DOM.cE("div", {className:this.pC}, header); newEl.appendChild(form); this.pI = jsondata.poll_id; this.eI.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, this.eI); this.pE = newEl; }; com_hp_gc.Poll.prototype.clearCheck = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.rB.length; i++) this.rB[i].checked = false; }; com_hp_gc.Poll.prototype.registerAnswer = function( contextKey, pollID, answerID, submitterID) { if (this.iID != '') { var cK2 = encodeURIComponent("\"" + this.cK + "\""); var pI2 = encodeURIComponent("\"" + pollID + "\""); var aI2 = encodeURIComponent("\"" + answerID + "\""); var sI2 = ""; if (submitterID) sI2 = encodeURIComponent("\"" + submitterID + "\""); var url = "http://h41273.www4.hp.com/hpgc/poll/Poll.asmx/RegisterAnswer?contextKey=" + cK2 + "&pollID=" + iID2 + "&answerID=" + iI2 + "&submitterID=" + sI2; var onSuccessFunc = function (req) { hpgcDebug("AJAX success: " + req + "\n" + "input") }; var onErrorFunc = function (status) { hpgcDebug("AJAX error: "+status); }; this.ajax.makeRequest( url, 'GET', onSuccessFunc, onErrorFunc); } };