
СсылкаДатаОбъем в кбайтахЧисло страницСправка
Modern Malware for Dummies 2012 7668 75 Вредоносные программы
Not all malware detection is created equal Sophos 2010 618 6  
Protecting Against the New Wave of Malware September 2008 283 9  
Malware: Just What You Need to Know 2008 987 16 by Kevin Beaver
Malware trends: The rise of cross-platform malware 2012 761 5 by Moriah Sargent
A Survey on Malware Detection Using Data Mining Techniques March 2017 903 40 ACM Comput. Surv. 50, 3, Yanfang Ye, Tao Li et al.
Defending against the current generation of macro malware 2016 162 4 Nick Lewis